Category: Technology

LabVantage LIMS 8.6 Design Framework Addresses the Nature of Data Vulnerability and Best Responses Internal Hackathon and Third-Party Validation Eliminate Known Potential Security Issues LabVantage Emphasizes Cybersecurity Culture Throughout its...

Cybersecurity grabbed headlines at the tail-end of 2020 (as if they really needed any more ‘grabbing’), with news in December of massive cyberattacks against the U.S. government. From ZDNet: “Cyberattackers...

At the CTEC conference (held virtually in 2020 for reasons that – by now – should require no explanation), attendees expressed considerable interest in the LabVantage Scientific Data Management System...

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a global race to develop new testing methods capable of addressing the volumes and speeds necessary to tackle the disease’s progression. As a result, lab workflows...

As promising news about vaccines continues roll in, there finally seems to be a light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. The pandemic may have lingering effects as hotspots...

We interact with labs across many different sectors — the chemical industry, pharma and biopharmaceuticals, petrochemical refineries, the food & beverage industry, biobanking and many more. What’s the one thing...

For many of us informatics nerds, 2020 may well be remembered as the year when the rest of the world finally began to appreciate the importance of informatics. While the...

Not long ago, the primary challenge of the laboratory industry was simply making the transition from paper records to digital storage. Remember that? Different factors have made things far more...