Frequently Asked Questions about LabVantage SDMS

The LabVantage SDMS, which is a-fully integrated part of LabVantage LIMS, seamlessly collects and secures files created and maintained throughout the laboratory and stores them in a protected repository.At the CTEC conference (held virtually in 2020 for reasons that – by now – should require no explanation), attendees expressed considerable interest in the LabVantage Scientific Data Management System (SDMS). This system, which is a fully-integrated part of LabVantage LIMS, seamlessly collects and secures files created and maintained throughout the laboratory and stores them in a protected repository.

Here are answers to some of the most common questions we’ve received about the latest version of SDMS – both at the conference and afterward.

  1. Can SDMS handle any file types, including the more “exotic” vendor-specific extensions?
    SDMS can handle any file type you send it, as long as it is not a proprietary format. It has a highly configurable collection and driver architecture, which you can use to build whatever driver you need to parse and process any file type.
  2. How does SDMS work with more sophisticated instruments like MS or HPLC where integration, processing, etc., occur? Will it interface and collect the processed data or raw chromatographic data?
    Yes, the API for collection and processing is very flexible. Drivers can be built to read the data and parse and process it accordingly.
  3. Is there any Queue solution implemented between SDMS collectors and LIMS?
    Yes, if you use an indirect collector then the collectors will build up a folder with collections inside. The LIMS will then grab these collections in the correct order asynchronously.
  4. Will there be security department segregation for SDMS collectors?
    Yes, the standard departmental security functionality can be used to segregate the collectors. Therefore, if you have departments for Laboratories, Sites or Countries for example, these same departments can be used within SDMS Collectors.
  5. Are these attachments in the audit trail?
    The full revision history is kept. Anytime an attachment is changed a version is kept and logged.
  6. Would maintaining master data with site prefixes like “AB-PH” cause trouble with the SDMS interfacing with LIMS?
    There should be no issue when using SDMS if your master data, such as Test Methods and Parameter Lists, are prefixed in that way.
  7. Can SDMS sync data files in AWS S3?
    Yes, SDMS includes an S3 bucket repository type which enables it to store, retrieve and process data from S3.
  8. How much of or what parts of the SDMS will require a SysAdmin type role? Can Lab Admins maintain SDMS features?
    You have a lot of flexibility there. We provide an SDMS Admin role which can be provided to any of your users to manage any SDMS administration functions.
  9. Is SDMS built to meet FDA data integrity requirements? If so, does that mean that raw data are secure and either cannot be updated or an audit trail is activated to track all changes?
    It’s always tricky to say that the software itself meets FDA requirements, because it’s not just dependent on the features of the software. The manner in which a lab implements it is also a factor in compliance. But in general, the answer is yes, data is secured. When it can be updated, file versions are created so that there is no obfuscation of original data, audit trail, etc.
  10. Is raw SDMS data saved to the LIMS server in an internal configuration?
    Raw data in SDMS is always stored and can used by any of our attachment repositories for storage, including AWS S3, file share, database, etc.
  11. Can we get the file stored in the SDMS and the parsed data entered in my LIMS test? Would that be done with a Talend driver?
    That’s correct. And yes, it could be done with a Talend based driver — called a Talend Attachment Handler — or even a Java Class.
  12. In terms of increasing digitalization of the lab moving towards smart lab and AI/ML, what about connectivity and data standards like SiLA, FAIR, or AnIML? Are you planning to support these out of the box?
    Actually, we support some of these already. For example, we have a Chromeleon interfacing component that implements both SILA and AniML, which is available to customers for implementation through a Professional Services project. As we move our SDMS toward standardizing data — for example, in order to enable visualizations across instrument runs — we’ll be looking into these standards further as OOB functionality.

Have a question not covered here? Check out our SDMS page or contact us today!