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Choosing a LIMS is a complex process. It would be wonderful if it only demanded a simple inspection followed by an: “Oh, this one is sexy!” But it doesn’t work...

The smoking gun – where has your evidence been? A piece of evidence experiences a significant journey across its lifecycle. Consider a gun collected at a crime scene. Once the...

R&D organizations are responsible for the creation of new products, as well as refinements of existing ones. This process generates vast amounts of data, and much like the proverbial “needle...

Client web portals are increasingly popular in B2B environments because of their ability to streamline collaboration and increase customer engagement without compromising security. While this technology has applications across many...

Have you looked for a SaaS LIMS with the flexibility to customize the software? How about a SaaS LIMS with the ability to connect all of the instrumentation in your...

2020 was the year digital transformation (DT) – the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business – shifted from a business catchphrase to an organizational necessity. Labs...

Data integrity had already become a top priority for the clinical and life science (pharma, biopharma, med device) sectors before the outbreak of COVID-19. Data Integrity Guidelines New guidance had...

When Pathologists don’t have all the information they need or have to spend time searching for a patient in their system, diagnosis can be delayed – impacting patient health. It’s...
