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This article is the second of a two-part series covering the right tools and processes to use when performing a data migration with LabVantage. [Read Part I here.] In our...

Today, most labs receive both internal and external requests for testing, sample identification, kits, and other services manually. Whether these requests come by phone, mail, fax, email or some other...

One of the biggest challenges you’re likely to face when selecting a new Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is the management and handling of your existing data. While this can...

2020 was the year digital transformation (DT) – the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business – shifted from a business catchphrase to an organizational necessity. Labs...

Data integrity had already become a top priority for the clinical and life science (pharma, biopharma, med device) sectors before the outbreak of COVID-19. Data Integrity Guidelines New guidance had...

Cybercrime has been on the rise for years – and 2020 saw a dramatic spike. One report found that cybercrime was up 600% due to COVID-19. Not concerned yet? Check...

Cybersecurity grabbed headlines at the tail-end of 2020 (as if they really needed any more ‘grabbing’), with news in December of massive cyberattacks against the U.S. government. From ZDNet: “Cyberattackers...

At the CTEC conference (held virtually in 2020 for reasons that – by now – should require no explanation), attendees expressed considerable interest in the LabVantage Scientific Data Management System...
