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Most end users want to integrate their LIMS with external systems, such as other applications or instruments. Although this process can be challenging, it’s critical for streamlining data management and...

Data is the beating heart of any laboratory operation, whether you have just one site or multiple labs spanning the globe. But a key element of your success is how...

Earlier this month, we published a post on The Lab of the Future, with 5 predictions envisioning the dominance of data, AI, connectivity & collaboration, instrumentation integration and more. A...

As a growing number of labs make digital transformation a priority, there’s often a lot of talk about “using data to improve the organization.” In fact, we’re guilty of it!...

Digitization of your lab’s data is increasingly vital to performance and profitability. Today, that data represents a business advantage. Tomorrow, it’s likely to be mission-critical – or even existential. Digital...

The smoking gun – where has your evidence been? A piece of evidence experiences a significant journey across its lifecycle. Consider a gun collected at a crime scene. Once the...

R&D organizations are responsible for the creation of new products, as well as refinements of existing ones. This process generates vast amounts of data, and much like the proverbial “needle...

2020 was the year digital transformation (DT) – the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business – shifted from a business catchphrase to an organizational necessity. Labs...
