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Updated: September, 2020 At LabVantage, we are firm believers in the importance of training & ongoing education. While developing a cutting edge LIMS platform is important, ensuring our customers can...

Coronavirus has changed the nature of modern life – even if only temporarily. Simple tasks – from visiting a loved one to shopping for milk – have become complicated and...

Hmmm … a sunny beachside venue in mid-November, with loads of lab informatics information & networking? Or you can rake leaves. What would you rather do? With a record number...

The key to LIMS configuration co-design is that it puts you – the user – at the center of the design process. When you’re actively involved in designing and developing...

When it comes to purchasing and implementing a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), the cost of the license is just the start. It’s important to understand all the costs that...

