Coronavirus has changed the nature of modern life – even if only temporarily. Simple tasks – from visiting a loved one to shopping for milk – have become complicated and...

Hmmm … a sunny beachside venue in mid-November, with loads of lab informatics information & networking? Or you can rake leaves. What would you rather do? With a record number...

If you’re installing a new LIMS system for multiple labs, you have an important decision to make: should each lab have its own LIMS, or should multiple labs share the...

Legacy Lab Informatics Management Systems With each passing year, legacy systems create new – and unforeseen – challenges. Each one of these is a strong enough reason to force consideration...

Should you choose a software platform or a combination of best-of-breed software programs? When it comes to outfitting your company’s suite of software, cherry-picking the best programs from various vendors...

In our earlier post (Is Your LIMS Sustainable? Why Configuration is the Way to Go – Part 1), we outlined the many ways that customizing a LIMS system can be...

Planning the Search for Bigfoot Prediction: Your average Travel Agent will have difficulty planning your expedition in Oregon’s wilderness to search for Bigfoot. I don’t mean to denigrate the travel...

If you aren’t currently using a centrally supported specimen tracking system, you’ve probably experienced the frustration associated with trying to accurately and confidentially locate and track your specimens. One of...