The Growing Trend Toward LIMS in the Cloud

The Growing Trend Toward LIMS in the CloudIf there’s one constant in the emergence of new innovations, it’s that attitudes will change as new technologies mature. And the evolution of cloud-based LIMS solutions provides a textbook example.

For many years, labs of every size and type said LIMS was never likely to gain much traction using a software as a service (SaaS) or another cloud-based model. More recently, however, there are signs that a much larger shift is underway.

According to a 2020 Cloud Computing Study conducted by IDG Communications, a growing number of businesses of every size are adopting cloud-based IT solutions, and plan to invest even more this year. Labs are no exception, and with remote work becoming more common even in the pharmaceutical industry, we expect to see a larger proportion of IT spending being allocated to the cloud in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis. Digital transformation (LINK TO MOST RECENT POST) has not only arrived, but it has become a necessity for organizations of virtually any size, in every industry.

What’s driving the shift?

Since lockdowns began in 2020, many people have grown more accustomed to cloud-based services by necessity. From Zoom meetings to online banking and other business-critical systems, the comfort level for digital solutions has grown significantly – seemingly overnight. And while some of these trends were already underway, many were accelerated by the pandemic.

While the crisis has eased somewhat, it has also triggered a reevaluation of the systems many labs have traditionally maintained in-house. And while lab work still requires many people to work on-site, the lockdowns proved that some can work remotely just as efficiently — and maybe more so.

A growing number of labs have also realized that moving LIMS to the cloud could relieve them of a lot of hassles and responsibilities – from software updates to maintenance contracts – enabling them to focus more resources on the work that actually pays the bills.

The most obvious benefit of a cloud-based LIMS is the potential for significant cost savings — a benefit that many labs can achieve in a relatively short amount of time.Why migrate to cloud-based LIMS?

The most obvious benefit of a cloud-based LIMS is the potential for significant cost savings — a benefit that many labs can achieve in a relatively short amount of time. Imagine how your business might evolve if a large chunk of your current IT budget could be reallocated to R&D, for example. You’ll also be relieved of the need to perform maintenance or shut your lab down for upgrades, minimizing downtime.

Migrating your LIMS eliminates one of the major obstacles to growing your lab by enabling you to add new users or take on more work at will. You can scale the capacity of the system up or down on an as-needed basis, without the need to invest in additional infrastructure. A secure web-based LIMS also enables your users and customers to access the data they need from any device, often with fewer delays.

Whether you’re a lab owner who’s on the fence or a team member looking to convince those who make purchasing decisions, the best approach is to start with a common-sense cost-benefit analysis.But will it work for you?

Interested in the possibilities of cloud-based LIMS but not sure if it’s right for your organization? Whether you’re a lab owner who’s on the fence or a team member looking to convince those who make purchasing decisions, the best approach is to start with a common-sense cost-benefit analysis.

While you’ll need detailed answers to all these questions and many more, the results may surprise you. To learn more about whether a cloud-based LIMS solution is right for your organization, reach out to us today.